Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bi-coastal Bi-pedal

Despite a hurried departure ("The plane is at 11 TWENTY? I thought it was 40! GO GO GO---"), as well as some pretty unpleasant seating arrangements (aisle seat is doable, but furthermost back row -- IE no reclining options -- on a five hour flight is, erm, not my favorite), I managed to make it to the Bay. Hellooooo Oakland!

Tuesday marks the beginning of tour - or the beginning of orientation, at least. Until then, I'm bopping around the East Bay, catching back up with my family out here and brainstorming the performance I'm set to help create for the last portion of tour.

Being back here is simultaneously amazing ... and a complete mindtrip. The last time I was in Oakland was only seven months ago, but it feels like a lifetime; that was before the Roadshow's fall tour (which is an entire book's worth of experiences in itself), before my time at home and with Occupy - and I was in such a different space then, mentally, physically, emotionally. Oh, and I had a lot more hair. And things. I guess I was pretty bogged down then - just feeling really heavy - and I feel so light right now. It's... more than a welcome change, and it makes being back here very poignant.

Anyway, I'm currently sitting in the barn of the PLACE, eating delicious bean soup that the amazing V. Ramirez made and attending to some final computer errands. This eve promises even more old faces to see and love, and then tomorrow -- perhaps in to San Fran? My ever-incredible friend Beca is currently staying there, as she gears up to embark on my (our) adventure with me. How amazingly exciting!

The fundraiser is coming along phenomenally - I'm continuously humbled and overwhelmingly grateful at all the generous, beautiful souls who have given me some funds to pursue this dream of mine. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Let's see how much further we can get before Tuesday!

With love - and until tomorra,

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