Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life like weeds.

Without doubt, my favorite moment of today was after I'd been longingly staring at the nearby swingset for a while, thinking about the enormous pile of mulch slowly seeping away in front of me. With pitch-perfect timing, Beca said, "I'm going to take a swing break," and jumped off to do just that. It didn't take me long to join her ... and it made the rest of the afternoon just that much better. It's the little moments, isn't it?

We went to a middle school today where the children were so not into the programming that it was a bit disheartening. Thankfully, my second group went far better than the first - but even then, they weren't fully enthused. I mean ... it is middle school -- but still. It wasn't the most engaging school day.

Nonetheless, it's been a lovely afternoon (listening to one of my favorite albums during the drive back helped), and tomorrow is our last day in LA! Can you believe it? It's been over two weeks (orientation included) we've been on tour. Soon, we head to the bay, and then we only have a week left .... but more on that later.

For now, let's finish off the day's post with some - you guessed it - photos !

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