Monday, February 20, 2012


Lookie! Photos!

So, I swear I totally meant to write a post during orientation, but what with my computer refusing to accept the local internet connection and all-day-every-day scheduling ... it just wasn't in the cards. Instead, here I am, tikka-tikkaing from the couch post-orientation in (mostly) sunny, (totally) smoggy LA.

It was a welcome relief to make it down here, as the chosen spot (the MA center in Castro Valley) for orientatin' Common Visionaries is undeniably beautiful ... and cchiilllyyy. February or not, I enjoy my warmth, and though it's not exactly tropical in SoCal, it's certainly much warmer.

Orientation was, as I said, pretty jam-packed. The biggest new skill I'm learning this year is how to prune fruit trees, a task I find more than a little daunting. Not to say they're not teaching us quite well -- there's a whole host of knowledgeable people here willing to impart their wisdom on me -- I just am so afraid of messing the poor tree up.

And tomorrow's our first day of working with the young ones! The last two days, we've worked on tree care, but with no children. Tomorrow marks the real start of the tour, as it'll be many people's first ever tree group. Oh, I can't wait to be back out gettin' dirty with them kiddos again.

That being said ... it's time for bed. 10 PM is late on tour, and this little chickadee is ready for some golden slumbers.

Cheerio, friends! I'll think of your shining faces as I stir fishy-smelling compost extractions tomorrow (delicious AND nutritious).


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